I am the proud owner of a filofax, let the creativity begin

I have wanted a genuine filofax since I first read about them in some glossy magazine my Mother was reading, way back in the 1980s. Of course as a child I did not have the money to buy myself a filofax, nor really did I have the need for one.

This however did not prevent me from finding out about them, and also making my own version with old ring binders and DIY decorated paper inserts.

Filofaxes have an interesting history dating back to the early 1920s which may surprise some who may have believed them to be a modern invention.

I use an Alice in Wonderland  non dated diary, made by 7321 Designs,for my usual timetables, meetings, and work travel information, and have done so for the last three years. I am very happy with the Alice diaries and will not be replacing them with a filofax.

However , I still want a filofax!!

The reasons I want a filofax are as follows:

  • the binders are strong and hard wearing
  • binders are available in non-leather (for us Vegetarians) as well as leather and other materials
  • the ring binder mechanisms are strong, and come in a variety of circumferences depending on your personal preference for how much paper you can stuff into the binder
  • there are so many colours and sizes of binder to choose form
  • they have pen holders
  • they have clasps or zips to hold them together
  • they are customisable
  • all sorts of information can be shoved in them and ready at one's fingertips without the need for electricity (or a mobile phone that is charged) to 'boot it up' and get the information out of it
  • you don't have to use them as diaries, their uses as anthologies and compendiums of data are only limited to your imagination
Today I bought myself a filofax.

Tonight I am working on customising it. 

I am creating my own templates on the computer and printing them out for my filofax. It is all very exciting!!  I will tell you more about my customisations of my filofax and what I will be using it for,  plus give you downloadable templates i have created, in later blog posts!.

So three cheers to my new cherry red filofax Metropol A5!!

Anyone else use a filofax or binder type organiser? Feel free to comment!

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