Setting up my filofax Metropol A5

As you may have read in previous posts, I have a filofax, and i love it! Cherry red vinyl, large paper capacity, cool pockets, two pen loops..everything is great except for the filofax inserts.

So over the last few days, I have been creating my own templates, and making my own cardboard pocket inserts, and doing all sorts of things to my new filofax to make it work for me.

This is what I have so far, under the headings as i posted about in an earlier post, information; study; home; business; and ideas.

How do you personalise your organisers/filofax?

This is where I can stick sticky notes, or reminders , tickets, things i need to pay attention to, BEFORE i even get into my filofax.

there are also some sticky notes attached to the ring binder, next to my dashboard so i can locate and use them easily!

I needed a DASHBOARD for my filofax.
A dashboard is like the central control of the filofax and is the first goto place for information.

I created a 'don't forget' page on my computer, printed it on A5 paper, and then laminated it.
(items can be stuck with washi tape and easily removed when no longer needed)


As i mentioned in my initial filofax post, I am not intending to usemy filofax as a replacement for my diary, so I do not need all the diary pages. I would, however, find it handy ot have a calender for the year as reference. I may need to know what date i next get paid on, for example, which is always a good day!

 I created my own calender and printed it on A5 paper. There is one I have uploaded if you would like the page to print.


I read a lot, and I also am studying as well as working full time. I would like a place to keep a record of books i want, need, have,.. so I designed a book list for myself and printed it on A5 paper. 

The template is available to download.



I do not like the vanilla manilla dividers provided by filofax, so i bought some lovely card making printed card stock, (A4) cut it in half, punched holes in it, and have some lovely gothic type divider paper!!
 Shopping List

I want to be able to stash my basic goto grocery list somewhere handy, so I created a cutesy strawberry themed grocery list, printed it on A5 , punched holes in it, and have my very own shopping list pages!!



can't have too many pockets. I created this page by cutting two A5 pieces of card, lining and taping together with washi tape, then punching holes in it.

Makes two pockets, looks good, and is useful!