Inspired by cats

"A cat's eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world."
- Irish Legend

Inspired by Felis Cattus:
Cat Sketch
using Indian ink and thick cartridge Here is a sketch i have dabbled with as a preliminary to a painting.
Bastet Necklace
Using a decoupage technique i have set an image of Bastet into a metal base and covered it in resin to magnify and protect the picture. I have attached glass crackle beads to the outside of the pendant and used similar beads on the chain.
aceo abstract cat eyes <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>
Cat Button Bracelet
I have conjured up this bracelet, out of non matching buttons I own,  and cat embellishments, attached to a metal base.
Cat Necklace
This necklace is based on a cat character I have created..which in turn, just to confuse you , is based on two real cats I have had the pleasure to have in my life!
cat1 phoenix necklace1

 An ACEO I have sketched of a cat in Favist style

And abstract cat ACEO

Please visit me on etsy! handcrafted gothic goodies at bargain prices. see me on etsy! ...Please visit me on etsy! handcrafted gothic goodies at bargain prices. see me on etsy!