Happy new (financial) year: what are your goals?

We are half way through the year! I am reflecting on my goals, and some are not being met, this means I need to re-assess which are worth keeping and how to work on them.

In January of 2015 I publicly shared my macro-goals:


  • Write
  • Organise
  • Create
  • Positive
  • Improve
The goals were not broken down into the elements of each, as I prefer to give myself an easy to remember list of the major items I am striving for, and work on the micro elements as I go.

Where am I at with these goals?

Write: I am blogging but not as much as I would like too, I have a lot on with fulltime work, fulltime study, volunteer work, hobby business, and the BAU of homelife! I am pleased however that I am still finding time to blog, and to journal and even if this is not as much as I would like to do, I have not given up!

Organise: This is still difficult for me, I have a clutter habit so my study is always a mess, but in terms of oranising my time I am much better I use a diary and a notepad as my scheduling system and these work well for me. I need to work on the de-clutter aspect of organising however so this needs some development!

Create: I have a new sewing machine and I have been making all sorts of things, I also have been making things from crochet. I have not been painting or drawing however I need to make time for that. I have been playing my flute and guitar to make music and that is a good thing!

Positive: There are always challenges to face in life, health, family, work, study, there is always an element of life that can make even the most cheerful person become negative. The year has had challenges with my parents' ill health, but I am constantly reminding myself to look for the positive and block the negative! This in itself is a challenge.

Improve: This year I have completed a Diploma in Naturopathic Nutrition, still working n a Diploma of German, and have just started a Degree in Dementia Care. These things help to improve my mind. As mentioned before I need to improve my organisation skills in regards to physical organising, and also I need to keep improving n keeping a positive outlook.

How are you all going with your goals this year?

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